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Sony Ericsson - Products - Mobile phones

My F?!END!!!

When you are sad,
    I will dry your tears.
When you are scared,
   I will comfort your fears.
When you are worried,
   I will give you hope.
When you are confused,
  I will help you cope.
And when you are lost,
  And can't see the light.
I shall be your beacon
  Shining ever so bright
This is my oath.
  I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask?
    Because your..... my friend.!!!

MI$$!NG Y0U!!!!!!

My heart breaks from missing you.
                   I become weary from not having you near.
 My hands are empty without you to touch.
               My mind wonders as if I am lost, for I know I am.
            I am lost without you.
 Some days I smile to push back the pain.
                  But deep within my chest lies the sorrow of wanting her here with me.
 "Close your eyes" they say and you will see her with you.
             I do close my eyes and I do see her. 
 My eyes then fill up with tears cause they long for the day they will open and see you looking back.

Something Precious!!!!!!



What's LOVE ??

The question never been answered 
    and never wil be
but as much felt 
     as much known
      Sensation that makes life SWEET...
everyone says.......
LOVE is a part of LIFE 
       LIFE is not a part of LOVE
but y no one says
LOVE is block of LIFE
     without it life is INCOMPLETE!!
and every INCOMPLETE thing is USELESS....
being in LOVE means living LIFE
          and everyone wants to LIVE

so LOVE and LIVE...........

He@rT T0uc#inG Fr!end$#!p

My Friend
My Friend when I think of you.
I think of all that we've been through.
All the times we argue and fight,
I know deep inside that it isn't right.
I, then feel bad and alot of pain.
It feels like I've fallen from the sky like the rain.
I love you dear friend with all of my heart.
But now that you're gone I've fallen apart.
I'm getting better as the days go by.
I wish sometimes this was all a big lie.
I pray to you every night.
It's like you're my fire, a burning light.
My dear friend, I miss you alot.
I still wonder why you were put in that spot.
I know you're in a place much better than here. 
Watching and helping me with all of my fear.
Our friendship my dear friend,
we will have to the end.
Friends til the end is what we will be.
Someday we'll be together,
together you and me.

Something got all the way!!!


Love is like a lump of gold,
Hard to get, and hard to hold.
Of all the girls I've ever met,
You're the one I can't forget.
I do believe that God above,
Created you for me to love.
He chose you from all the rest,
Because he knew I would love you best.

- Loy Bowman -

Friendship "Quotes"

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